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Chuckling Goat

Chuckling Goat

The Gut Health Experts...

Why Natural, Chemical-free Products Are the Ultimate Luxury
Here at Chuckling Goat, we believe that everything should be 100% pure and natural - free from any chemicals, dyes, perfumes, phthalates, additives or parabens. 
We also believe that everything should be evidence-based. We’re not interested unless it works!
Our beautiful farm in SW Wales is our bio-lab, as well as our family home. Shann and Richard Jones created their business and their 4-generation extended family together on this quiet rural spot overlooking the Irish Sea.
Looking for products to help her own family’s health issues, Shann discovered the power of the natural probiotic kefir. Made in the traditional style with real kefir “grains” and goats milk, this tangy drink from the Black Caucasus Mountains of Russia has the power to support gut health, contribute to the maintenance of a healthy immune system, and boost mood. 
Shann then put this natural product into a line of hand-made probiotic soaps and lotions, good for eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and acne. 

As time went on, customers drinking Chuckling Goat’s pure, unflavoured kefir began to ask questions: 
- Why has my energy and mood improved so much? 
- What’s the connection between my mood and my IBS?
- Why does drinking a probiotic help my skin?

Shann and Rich went looking for the answers to these questions and stumbled on the science of the microbiome. 

Turns out, your microbiome is an ecosystem of trillions of tiny organisms inside your large intestine. This invisible farmyard of living creatures is responsible for the health of many systems inside your body, including your sleep, heart, brain, mood, joints, allergies and digestion. 
Your fragile gut bugs are damaged by many of modern life’s most common ingredients: stress, sugar, antibiotics and environmental toxins like the chemicals we commonly find in our cleaning products and personal care products. 
Depleting this natural ecosystem leaves you open and vulnerable to many chronic health issues, including eczema, IBS, arthritis, anxiety and depression. So like any farm, your internal ecosystem needs to be lovingly watched over and tended!
When Shann and Rich found a microbiome test that allowed their clients to do microbiome testing from the privacy of their own homes, they knew they were onto a winner. No more guessing! Just evidence-based answers about how best to improve microbiome health and diversity. 
As time went on, the Joneses added more and more gut health products into their range of evidence-based offerings. The requirement? Everything had to be safe, natural, pure and scientifically proven. 
Science describes the condition, and nature provides the solutions. This means that you can take a Microbiome Test, receive a consultation with a friendly Nutritional Therapist, and then have a personalised box of natural gut health products shipped directly to your door. 
We believe in asking - and answering - questions! Chuckling Goat offers a team of specially trained and qualified Nutritional Therapists who are available to answer any questions you might have regarding gut health, 8 am to 8 pm every weekday via website live chat.
We are pleased to offer all members a 20% discount on your first order. 
Simply use the following code DISCOVER20 at the checkout! 
Nature and science - they go hand and hand, at Chuckling Goat. 

Chuckling Goat - UK Kefir Suppliers.

Telephone: 01239 654 072 | Email:

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